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The Sports Horse Kit



Looking for a kit to make sure that your working horses always give their best? This kit is filled with natural remedies that will assist your horse to perform and recover so that they can continue to compete at their very best!

50ml Heal, 50ml Colic, 50ml Joint & 50ml Lame: R820 (Was: R966)

200ml Heal, 200ml Joint, 50ml Lame & 50ml Colic: R1540 (Was: R1811.26)

Combo Package is exclusively available on the Eco-Vet website.

SKU: N/A Category:
Additional information
Full product package description for each combo:

ECO-HEAL is a broad spectrum oral homeopathic medicine intended both as first aid treatment in all emergency situations as well as to provide support in a wide spectrum acute and chronic conditions in animals.  It was designed to be an essential, indispensable, go-to homoeopathic remedy to help any animal owner attend to almost any condition which their animal may experience.  It provides invaluable support for the healing process whether in an acute emergency while specific veterinary attention is being sort or to support the treatment of more chronic conditions.

The ingredients in ECO-HEAL help to relieve pain, inflammation and fever, especially at onset or when a condition arises as well as support the healing of the skin, the musculo-skeletal system and mucous membranes.  The ingredients also contribute to providing relief from the emotional upset, shock and anxiety associated with accidents and injuries.

ECO-COLIC is an oral homeopathic medicine which assists in treatment of gastrointestinal colic.  It helps to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with colic, gastric distension, colitis, flatulence, and gastric and duodenal ulcers.

ECO-JOINT is an oral homeopathic medicine which helps in the treatment of acute and chronic muscle and joint conditions.

ECO-LAME is an oral homeopathic medicine which helps in the treatment of spinal problems with associated nerve irritation, muscle pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

For additional information please see the individual product pages by searching for the product in the search bar, or feel free to contact us for assistance: media@ecovet.co.za / 012-460-4808.


50ml, 200ml